Francisco Von Hildebrand – Gaia Amazonas, Bogota, COL – Formafantasma, Cambio – 2020

‘Cambio’ is an ongoing investigation conducted by Studio Formafantasma into the extraction, production, and distribution of wood products. The website collects the research outcomes and compiles an archive of documents, videos, books, and articles on the topic. Developed as research material, the following interviews were recorded and conducted by Formafantasma to create a constant dialogue with practitioners involved in the forestry sector, scientists, artists and NGOs dealing with timber and forest-related topics.

Ficha técnica

Francisco Von Hildebrand – Gaia Amazonas, Bogota, COL – Formafantasma, Cambio – 2020

Formato: Vimeo

Última actualización: 26/02/2020

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